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Footwear Manufacturing in Europe - Market Size, Industry Analysis, Trends and Forecasts (2024-2029)

ISIC 152 March 2024 Spotlight Report



2019-2024 4.7 %
2024-2029 X.X %



2019-2024 4.1 %
2024-2029 X.X %



2019-2024 0.4 %
2024-2029 X.X %



2019-2024 X.X %

Profit Margin


2019-2024 X.X pp



2019-2024 X.X %
2024-2029 X.X %

Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry analysis

The European Footwear Manufacturing industry is renowned. Shoes made in Europe are considered of high, durable quality, with manufacturers often tapping into the luxury market, where they can charge premium prices. Italy, for example, is seen globally as a country producing footwear of stand-out quality. The COVID-19 outbreak and severe inflationary pressures have disrupted manufacturing operations, hindering industry performance. Revenue is expected to drop at a compound annual rate of 4.7% to €34.5 billion over the five years through 2024, including a 2.9% contraction in the current year.

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Industry Statistics and Trends

Footwear Manufacturing in Europe key trends

Online shopping is revolutionising the footwear industry.


With customers flocking to online stores for convenience, variety and often lower prices, shoemakers are pivoting their strategies towards enhancing their online presence and digital marketing.

Europe's top shoemakers are challenged by cheap foreign imports.


Despite their high-quality, stylish offerings, domestic manufacturers are struggling against cheaper Asian-produced footwear.

Tech advancements are driving shoe personalisation in Europe.


With tools like 3D printing and artificial intelligence in play, brands take customisation to a new level, meeting consumer demands for comfy, stylish and unique shoes.

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Footwear Manufacturing in Europe

Industry Revenue

Total value and annual change from 2011-2029. Includes 5-year outlook.

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Footwear Manufacturing in Europe market size (2019-2024)

Industry revenue has declined at a CAGR of 4.7 % over the past five years, to reach an estimated €34.5bn in 2024.

Trends and Insights

European shoemakers bet on high-quality, premium footwear, but import competition rises

  • The leading footwear manufacturers in Europe are Italy, Spain and Portugal. Italy is known for its high-quality and stylish shoes, whereas Spain and Portugal are known for their traditional footwear and leather shoes.

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Footwear Manufacturing in Europe outlook (2024-2029)

Market size is projected to grow over the next five years.

European footwear manufacturing faces some challenges

  • Anticipated growth in disposable incomes and consumer expenditure will fuel spending on high quality and designer footwear made in Europe.

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2019-2024 4.7 %
2024-2029 X.X %



2019-2024 4.1 %
2024-2029 X.X %



2019-2024 X.X %
2024-2029 X.X %

European Leaders & Laggards

Europe Job Growth CAGR: 4.1 % *
  • Job Growth

Top 5 Countries

  1. France +18.7%
  2. Bulgaria +14.9%
  3. Romania +11.3%
  4. Hungary +11.3%
  5. Czechia +10.3%

Bottom 5 Countries

  1. Lithuania -11.8%
  2. Slovenia -10.3%
  3. Sweden -10.3%
  4. United Kingdom-9.7%
  5. Russia -8.6%

* CAGR values are for the years 2019-2024.

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Biggest companies in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe

Market Share (%)
Revenue (€m)
Profit (€m)
Profit Margin (%)
Birkenstock Holding plc
Bata Corporation

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Footwear Manufacturing in Europe

Products & Services Segmentation

Industry revenue broken down by key product and services lines.

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Top Questions Answered in this Report

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What is the market size of the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe in 2024?

The market size of the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe is €34.5bn in 2024. 

How many businesses are there in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry in 2024?

There are 26,217 businesses in the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe, which has grown at a CAGR of 0.4 % between 2019 and 2024.

Has the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe grown or declined over the past 5 years?

The market size of the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe has been declining at a CAGR of 0.4 % between 2019 and 2024. 

What is the forecast growth of the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe over the next 5 years?

Over the next five years, the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe is expected to decline.

What are the biggest companies in the Footwear Manufacturing market in Europe?

The biggest companies operating in the Footwear Manufacturing market in Europe are Birkenstock Holding plc, Bata Corporation and IMAC SpA

What does the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe include?

Women's footwear with leather uppers and Men's footwear with leather uppers are part of the Footwear Manufacturing industry.

Which companies have the highest market share in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe?

The company holding the most market share in Europe is Birkenstock Holding plc.

Which countries have the most businesses in the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe?

The European country with the most businesses in the Footwear Manufacturing industry is Italy.

How competitive is the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe?

The level of competition is moderate and increasing in the Footwear Manufacturing industry in Europe.

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Table of Contents

About this industry

Industry definition

Operators in the industry manufacture various types of footwear from leather and other materials. The industry also includes the production of footwear parts, including uppers and parts of uppers, outer and inner soles and heels. Companies also manufacture gaiters, leggings and similar articles.

Related Terms

UppersLeather ShoesGaitersOffshoring

What's included in this industry?

Women's footwear with leather uppersMen's footwear with leather uppersChildren's footwear with leather uppersShoe partsSports shoesSafety shoesOther products


Birkenstock Holding plcBata CorporationIMAC SpA

Industry Code

ISIC 2006

152 - Manufacture of footwear in Europe

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Key Takeaways

European shoemakers bet on high-quality, premium footwear, but import competition rises

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Revenue Highlights

  • Revenue
  • 2024 Revenue CAGR
  • Revenue Volatility

Employment Highlights

  • Employees
  • Employees per Business
  • Revenue per Employee

Business Highlights

  • Businesses
  • Employees per Business
  • Revenue per Business

Profit Highlights

  • Total Profit
  • Profit Margin
  • Profit per Business

Current Performance

  • Revenue in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry (2011 -2029)
  • Employees in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry (2011 -2029)
  • Business in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry (2011 -2029)
  • Profit in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry (2011 -2029)

What's driving current industry performance in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry?



What's driving the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry outlook?



What influences volatility in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry?

  • Industry Volatility vs. Revenue Growth Matrix

Life Cycle


What determines the industry life cycle stage in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry?

  • Industry Life Cycle Matrix

Products and Markets


  • Largest Market
  • Product Innovation

Key Takeaways

Online orders are transforming Europe's footwear industry. As digital shopping continues to grow and consumers enjoy the convenience, manufacturers must adjust, offering special features like customisation and virtual fitting tools.

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Products and Services

  • Products and Services Segmentation

How are the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry's products and services performing?


What are innovations in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry's products and services?

Major Markets

  • Major Market Segmentation

What influences demand in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry?

International Trade


  • Largest Importer
  • Smallest Importer
  • Total Imports into Europe
  • Largest Exporter
  • Smallest Exporter
  • Total Exports into Europe
Heat maps
  • Industry Concentration of Imports by Country
  • Industry Concentration of Exports by Country
Data Tables

Value and annual change (%) included

  • Number of Imports and Exports by European Country (2024)

Geographic Breakdown

Business Locations

Heat maps
  • Share of Total Industry Revenue by Region (2024)
  • Share of Total Industry Enterprises by Region (2024)
  • Share of Total Industry Employment by Region (2024)
  • Share of Total Industry Wages by Region (2024)

Industry Geographic Breakdown

Data Tables

Values and annual change provided for 37 European countries:

  • Revenue (2024)
  • IVA (2024)
  • Enterprises (2024)
  • Employment (2024)
  • Exports (2024)
  • Imports (2024)

Competitive Forces


  • Concentration
  • Competition
  • Barriers to Entry
  • Substitutes
  • Buyer Power
  • Supplier Power

Key Takeaways

Brand recognition largely drives market concentration in European footwear. Successful manufacturers leverage quality, innovative design and robust marketing strategies to reinforce their brand image, gaining a competitive advantage.

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Supply Chain


Buyer and supply industries


Market Share

  • Industry Market Share by Company (2019-2024)


Data Tables

Top 10 companies by market share:

  • Market share (2024)
  • Revenue (2024)
  • Profit (2024)
  • Profit Margin (2024)

Data Tables
  • Countries of operation for Birkenstock Holding plc
  • Countries of operation for Bata Corporation
  • Countries of operation for IMAC SpA
  • Countries of operation for New Balance Athletic Shoes (UK) Ltd
  • Countries of operation for ACO - Fábrica de Calçado SA
  • Countries of operation for Fal Calzados de Seguridad SA
  • Countries of operation for Prada Group SpA
  • Countries of operation for Atlas Schuhfabrik GmbH & Co KG
  • Countries of operation for Crockett and Jones Ltd
  • Countries of operation for Salomon SAS

External Environment


  • Regulation & Policy
  • Assistance

Key Takeaways

Footwear manufacturing in Europe is heavily regulated. Policies around quality, safety and sustainability shape the sector, ensuring manufacturers meet high standards and promote ethical, green practices.

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External Drivers


What demographic and macroeconomic factors impact the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry?

Financial Benchmarks


  • Profit Margin
  • Average Wage
  • Largest Cost

Key Takeaways

European shoemakers wrestle with rising raw material costs. This increase is due to global trade issues, stricter environmental regulations and notable inflation rates driving up expenses for manufacturers.

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Cost Structure

  • Share of Economy vs. Investment Matrix
  • Industry Cost Structure Benchmarks:
    • Marketing
    • Depreciation
    • Profit
    • Purchases
    • Wages
    • Rent
    • Utilities
    • Other

What trends impact cost in the Footwear Manufacturing in Europe industry?

Key Ratios

Data tables
  • IVA/Revenue (2014-2029)
  • Imports/Demand (2014-2029)
  • Exports/Revenue (2014-2029)
  • Revenue per Employee (2014-2029)
  • Wages/Revenue (2014-2029)
  • Employees per Establishment (2014-2029)
  • Average Wage (2014-2029)

Country Benchmarks

European Leaders & Laggards

Data Tables

Top and boottom five countries listed for each:

  • Revenue Growth (2024)
  • Business Growth (2024)
  • Job Growth (2024)

European Country Performance

Data Tables

Rankings available for 37 countries. Statistics ranked include:

  • IVA/Revenue (2024)
  • Imports/Demand (2024)
  • Exports/Revenue (2024)
  • Revenue per Employee (2024)
  • Wages/Revenue (2024)
  • Employees per Establishment (2024)
  • Average Wage (2024)

Structural Comparison

Data Tables

Trends in 37 countries benchmarked against trends in Europe

  • Concentration
  • Competition
  • Barriers to Entry
  • Buyer Power
  • Supplier Power
  • Volatility
  • Capital Intensity
  • Innovation
  • Life Cycle

Key Statistics

Industry Data

Data Tables

Including values and annual change:

  • Revenue (2014-2029)
  • IVA (2014-2029)
  • Establishments (2014-2029)
  • Enterprises (2014-2029)
  • Employment (2014-2029)
  • Exports (2014-2029)
  • Imports (2014-2029)
  • Wages (2014-2029)


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IBISWorld is a world-leading provider of business information, with reports on 5,000+ industries in Australia, New Zealand, North America, Europe and China. Our expert industry analysts start with official, verified and publicly available sources of data to build an accurate picture of each industry.

Each industry report incorporates data and research from government databases, industry-specific sources, industry contacts, and IBISWorld's proprietary database of statistics and analysis to provide balanced, independent and accurate insights. 

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