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IBISWorld's ESG Risk Assessments: Transform ESG Challenges into Strategic Advantages

IBISWorld's ESG Risk Assessments: Transform ESG Challenges into Strategic Advantages

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Industry research you can trust Published 01 Jul 2024 Read time: 3

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01 Jul 2024

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3 minutes

Leaders around the world are taking action against climate change, and asking businesses to do their part in managing environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks. Across the business landscape, navigating these issues is more than a matter of compliance. It’s a strategic imperative. As regulations evolve and societal expectations shift, businesses must adapt swiftly to mitigate risks and seize opportunities.

That’s why we now offer ESG Risk Assessments; your strategic partner in ESG transformation.

IBISWorld's ESG Risk Assessments

While other ESG products on the market provide company-level ESG scores, often based on self-reported figures from clients, IBISWorld’s ESG Risk Assessments start at the industry level to ensure truly unbiased reporting.Combining industry-wide ESG risk scores with analysis on major regulations, transition risks and opportunities, physical risks, and company-level best practices, these unique assessments are invaluable for anyone tasked with making sustainable and responsible business decisions.

With our ESG insights in-hand, businesses can proactively manage ESG risks, turning them into drivers of long-term success.

Here’s how our ESG Risk Assessments can be your strategic advantage:

1. Holistic Insights for Informed Decision-Making

ESG issues affect all aspects of an industry, from individual companies, to competitors, to suppliers, distributors, and customers. That’s why our ESG Risk Assessments analyse the impact from all angles, starting from the foundation of an industry-wide risk score.

Functioning as an ESG benchmark, our ESG risk scores and assessments are your guide to more than 500 industries. This wide coverage helps you identify the highest-to-lowest risk industries when conducting due diligence, risk management and business development activities. With hundreds of risk scores and detailed analysis at your disposal, you can make informed decisions on the industries best-suited for business development and investment, and learn how to succeed within or alongside these industries.

2. Industry-Leading Expertise and Rigorous Methodology

Benefit from IBISWorld's extensive research pedigree and robust methodology. Our assessments are crafted by experts who understand global ESG dynamics, ensuring accuracy and relevance. Based on globally recognised frameworks established by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the assessments provide unmatched visibility into ESG-related risks and opportunities to help you navigate complex reporting, strengthen corporate goals, and streamline ESG data management – all from an unbiased standpoint.

3. Empowering Sustainability and Resilience

Forge ahead with confidence as IBISWorld's ESG Risk Assessments help you enhance sustainability practices and business resilience. Whether your business encounters mandatory reporting requirements and targets, or has developed its own ESG goals, our ESG Risk Assessments provide a blueprint to help you get started. Conduct scenario analysis, navigate shifts in climate policy, social expectations, and governance frameworks proactively, positioning your business for long-term success.

With unchecked climate change becoming a larger and larger threat, the urgency to upskill on ESG issues has never been stronger. In the race to understand the ins and outs of ESG, many businesses are short on resources that provide the forward-looking, holistic coverage they need to make future-proof decisions.

To understand the implications for dozens of ESG risk factors affecting 500+ industries, tap into IBISWorld’s ESG Risk Assessments.

Ready to Experience the Difference?

Embark on your journey towards a resilient future. Request a demo today and discover how IBISWorld's ESG Risk Assessments can empower your business to make informed decisions for sustainable growth.

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